How To Sungaze

How To Sungaze

Obviously staring at the sun is not without risk, and it is important a careful and graded approach to Sungazing is adhered to when learning how to Sungaze, especially if you are a beginner to Sungazing and trying this for the first time.

Sungazing is only practised in the first hour following sunrise, or before sunset. This ensures ultraviolet and infra red ray exposure is at a minimum. To keep yourself safe you may wish to buy a Sun Meter UV Card or UV Wristband to monitor UV while you Sungaze. Also you may wish to download an app to your phone to enable you to track the times of your sungazing.

*PLEASE NOTE: This Sungazing information is for educational purposes only. If you are considering Sungazing, please research this subject as much as possible to reduce any risks*

Here is the method that Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) recommends:

Day 1 Start Off Slow
  • Begin by spending a maximum of 10 seconds on the first day by looking directly at the sun during the safe hours (either at sunrise of sunset, when harmful UV levels are at their lowest).
  • There are no restrictions in terms of where you can practice and at what time of year.
  • As you are staring at the sun visualize the energy from the sun coming into your body and filling your body and cells with rejuvenating light.
  • Earth Yourself – It is important that you stand barefoot on bare earth when Sungazing. This connects you with the Earth’s natural charge and enhances the benefits of Sungazing.
Day 2 and Beyond
  • On the second day aim for 20 seconds,
  • Each day after that continue adding 10 seconds to the previous day. So at 10 days you will be looking at the sun for 100 seconds, or 1 minute and 40 seconds.
  • Continue this daily until you have reached 44 minutes. This should take between 9-10 months depending on the weather. According to HRM this is all you need to gain the benefits described previously from sun gazing.

*Discontinue if you feel discomfort at any point*

In this video a Sungazer talks us through the steps:

Noticeable Effects As You Progress:
  • 0-3 Months – As the brain and body slowly charges you may feel more relaxed as stress is reduced, you will also feel more confident.
  • 3-6 Months – Physical diseases begin to disappear as the brain and body become increasingly charged by all the colours of the sun.
  • 6-9 Months – Noticeable hunger reduction as you are getting your nourishment directly from the sun.

Following the completion of the 9-10 months of Sungazing you will need to walk for 45 minutes each day for 6 days. From here on out just make a conscious effort to continue to walk barefoot on the earth, preferably in the sun whenever you feel like it or get the time. Each toe on your foot in linked to various glands in your body (Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Thalamus and Amygdala) and coming in contact with the earth whilst in sunlight stimulates each one.

For more information on how the sun positively affects our health check out the book ‘The Healing Sun’ by Richard Hobday, click here for the GazeTheSun.Com review.